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Light Module Light Cup Board KY-027

In stock: 17 available
Product Details

Light Module Light Cup Board KY-027 PWM Output Arduino DIY project

Control LED Status For Arduino DIY Project Working Voltage 5V Output: Digital Voltage Output (0/1) PWM Output Material: PCB Colour: Black Dimensions: 0.91 x 0.79 x 0.59 Inch / 2.3 x 2 x 1.5 CM PACKAGE INCLUDES: Light Module Light Cup Board KY-027 PWM Output Arduino DIY project Arduino Sketch Below:

int LedPinA = 5;

int LedPinB = 6;

int ButtonPinA = 7;

int ButtonPinB = 4;

int buttonStateA = 0;

int buttonStateB = 0;

int brightness = 0;

void setup()


pinMode(LedPinA, OUTPUT);

pinMode(LedPinB, OUTPUT);

pinMode(ButtonPinA, INPUT);

pinMode(ButtonPinB, INPUT);


void loop()


buttonStateA = digitalRead(ButtonPinA);

if (buttonStateA == HIGH && brightness != 255)


brightness ++;


buttonStateB = digitalRead(ButtonPinB);

if (buttonStateB == HIGH && brightness != 0)


brightness --;


analogWrite(LedPinA, brightness); // A will turn off gradually

analogWrite(LedPinB, 255 - brightness); // B will turn on gradually




G = Ground

+ = +5V

S = Signal


Another Code example Arduino

int Led = 13 ;// Declaration of the LED-output pin
int Sensor = 10; // Declaration of the sensor input pin
int val; // Temporary variable

void setup ()
pinMode (Led, OUTPUT) ; // Initialization output pin
pinMode (Sensor, INPUT) ; // Initialization sensor pin
digitalWrite(Sensor, HIGH); // Activating of the internal pull-up resistor

void loop ()
val = digitalRead (Sensor) ; // The current signal from the sensor will be read

if (val == HIGH) // If a signal will be detected, the LED will light up.
digitalWrite (Led, LOW);
digitalWrite (Led, HIGH);

Connections Arduino:

LED + = [Pin 13]

LED - = [Pin GND]

Sensor signal = [Pin 10]

Sensor +V = [Pin 5V]

Sensor - = [Pin GND]

Code example Raspberry Pi

# Needed modules will be imported and configured.

import RPi.GPIO as GPIO

import time


# Declaration of the LED and sensor pins

LED_PIN = 24

Sensor_PIN = 23

GPIO.setup(Sensor_PIN, GPIO.IN)


print "Sensor-test [press ctrl+c to end the test]"

# This output function will be started at signal detection

def ausgabeFunktion(null):

GPIO.output(LED_PIN, True)

# This output function will be started at signal detection

GPIO.add_event_detect(Sensor_PIN, GPIO.FALLING, callback=ausgabeFunktion, bouncetime=10)

# main program loop


while True:


# output will be reseted if the switch turn back to the default position.

if GPIO.input(Sensor_PIN):


# Scavenging work after the program has ended

except KeyboardInterrupt:


Connections Raspberry Pi:

LED = GPIO24 [Pin 18]

Signal = GPIO23 [Pin 16]

+V = 3,3V [Pin 1]

GND = GND [Pin 6]

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Light Module Light Cup Board KY-027

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